Tips On How To Raise Friendly Chickens! *You will be surprised with Number 2*

In our previous articles, we at the team were mostly focused on the usage of chickens as products, which breeds give the best meat, what to feed your chicken to get the best eggs, and more.

But from what we`ve learned from some of your e-mails, it seems like some of our regular readers are interested in how to raise friendly chickens.

After doing some research and some discussions we are now ready to give a few tips on how to raise friendly chickens.

It`s never too early to start

After getting your baby chicks, or after hatching – they will be very afraid and confused about everything around them.

Luckily we know the most common mistakes about raising chickens, and some of the secrets which chicken keepers keep.

As soon as they start moving try spending as much time with them so they can get used to your presence, give them treats from time to time, and make sure that you are not aggressive when picking them up. Just make sure to pick the right treats.

Make sure when you are petting them that you are not using too much force.

Try talking to them, we`ll discuss in a moment why is important.

If your chicks are hatched, make sure that they spend time bonding with their mothers not only with you.

Talking to your chickens & why is that important

Chickens are one of the more intelligent animals on this planet. They have the ability to see in color and they have a big memory.

When you pick your chickens or baby chicks for petting try talking to them in a friendly manner, it is a fact that they will not understand you, but they will remember the sound of your voice.

raise friendly chickens
via Flickr
By doing this you will help them adapt to your presence in their environment. Soon, consider your lap a safe and friendly place.

This is very important to do when you are dealing with baby chicks, because as I said before they are scared and gentle. Spend as much time as you can talking to your chicks.

They will grow to be good and friendly chickens and excellent listeners.

Why is being patient with chickens important?

First of all, you must determine the gender of your chicken.

Being patient with them is most important. They still are animals and the size difference between you and them will always put some fear in their eyes.

As much as I like talking the best about chickens I have to say that they can be very adamant.

Especially in that period when they stop being the cute little baby chicks and start growing into healthy chickens.

Especially during the winter and the summer.

Between these periods they start being very annoying, something like teenagers.

They don’t want to be petted and they will run from you. This is normal with chickens of that age.

It will take a lot of time, patience, and effort to make a friendly chicken from your baby chicks.

Regardless, when that moment comes and this little furry bird jumps on your lap and starts moving its head into your chest area it will all be worth it.

If you have children make sure that you let them play with the baby chicks because I have yet to see a child that does not enjoy playing with them.