Nesting boxes are a crucial part in the chicken keeping process.
They are that important piece that helps you pick up eggs easier and handle your broody hens.
Since the world of backyard chicken keeping is getting bigger we decided to share with our readers some nesting boxes ideas that we found amazing.
And as always pictures and descriptions are in order and without any further ado here are the Most Amazing DIY Nesting Boxes for chickens.
1. The Cheap And Easy Nesting Box Area

This is an easy and simple idea that people have been using and if you do not mind to have your broody chickens on the ground this is the best. Also this can be a good replacement when a sudden coop cleaning is required.
2. Perfectly Reused Furniture As Nesting Boxes

Let this image give you the idea of reusing some of your old furniture to create unique and comfortable nesting boxes. What makes this even better is that you can maneuver the nesting boxes all together.
3. Extra Truck Tires? You Mean Extra Nesting Room

This is one of the most creative ideas we found and we publicly bow to the person that thought of this. GOOD JOB!
4. Using Plastic Crates As Nesting Boxes Can Be Easy And Simple To Be Done

Plastic crates with some extra bedding can make nesting boxes that are comfortable for your chickens and easy for you to clean.
5. Speaking Of Plastic, Those 5 Gallon Buckets Can Be More Than Useful As Nesting Boxes

Buckets can be used for feeders and waterers, we all know that but they can be used as nesting boxes also – an amazing and simple idea.
6. Make Your Hen Feel Like A Queen With This Elegant Nesting Box Idea

This may require a bit more space than the usual nesting boxes available but it is a perfect way to give space to your broody hens if you have a smaller flock.
7. If You Enjoy A Bottle Of Wine Every Weekend Or So Guess What The Wine Boxes Can Be Used For

A few nails, wine boxes and a lot of wine, has there ever been a better DIY Project?
8. There`s No Eggeater That Can Get To Her Eggs With This Extremely Smart Nesting Boxes Idea

This person takes their nesting boxes seriously and we all should follow their example in order to be better chicken keepers.
9. Your Cat Doesn`t Want Its Box, Make A Nesting Box Out Of It

This is a great idea if you have multiple animals. Let this be a starting point for your improvisation to re-use materials around your cats, dogs and chickens.
10. We Talked About Wine Boxes But What About Wine Barrels

This is a creative idea that combines yard decorating and nesting boxes together.
How did you build your nesting boxes? Share your ideas with us in the comments below.