Monday`s at are reserved for our weekly Pros and Cons articles concerning a particular chicken breed. As we have said many times before, we write these articles based on our own opinions and experiences as well as research. There are exceptions in every breed, so if you have had a different experience with the… Continue reading Pros & Cons About Keeping Wyandotte Chickens
Category: Chicken Breeds
Pros & Cons About Keeping Leghorn Chickens!
Monday is here and that means that it is time for us, the team to share with our readers yet another article about the Pros & Cons of keeping a particular chicken breed. For this Monday we prepared for you this kind of article focused around the subject of keeping Leghorn chickens. Before we start I would like… Continue reading Pros & Cons About Keeping Leghorn Chickens!
Silkie Rooster Temperament And How To Handle It
It is no secret that Silkie Chicken is the labrador retriever of chickens. One of the low number of chicken breeds that you can keep in your apartment. If you are looking for a pet chicken, Silkie Chicken Is the breed for you. They are small, smart, and gentle. However, when roosters come to mind,… Continue reading Silkie Rooster Temperament And How To Handle It
11 Best Winter Egg Laying Chickens
Do you have chickens? Do you live in a cold climate? Want to know the best chicken breeds for winter? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, then this article is for you. It’s easy to assume that chickens can lay eggs no matter what time of year it is. Unfortunately, this is… Continue reading 11 Best Winter Egg Laying Chickens
11 Best Chickens for Texas, United States (heat hardy, temperament, and origin)
Texans take pride in just about everything, whether it’s their football teams, barbeque, or egg-laying chickens. There’s no denying that a chicken coop full of freshly laid eggs is a satisfying sight for homesteaders and hobbyists alike. But if you’re looking to raise the best egg-laying chickens in Texas, you’ll also want to consider other factors: The weather… Continue reading 11 Best Chickens for Texas, United States (heat hardy, temperament, and origin)
PROS & CONS of Keeping Silkie Chickens!
After a brief discussion, we at the team decided that every Monday we would give you an article about the pros and cons of a different chicken breed. Last time we gave you the pros and cons of keeping the Rhode Island Red chickens and this Monday we decided to give you the pros and cons… Continue reading PROS & CONS of Keeping Silkie Chickens!